Friday, February 21, 2014

Cost Comparison for Young Living Essential Oils

A lot of people are curious about the cost of Young Living Essential Oils. When you are a member (see my note at the end), the wholesale cost of oils range from $11.00 up to $100 per bottle.  There are a couple things I would like to say in regards to the cost of oils.

First, there are many companies selling essential oils.  The difference between other companies and Young Living is the quality.  YL oils are safe to apply on your skin and ingest... something most of the other companies cannot offer.  YL owns many of the farms where the plants are grown as well as the distilleries where the oil is made.  Because of this YL guarantees the quality from "seed to seal" ( YL oversees the whole operation from planting the seeds to harvesting and bottling the oils) not to mention the tests that are conducted on all the oils to guarantee their quality.

Second, when you purchase YL essential oils, you have to think of it as buying in bulk.  Most oils come in 15ml bottles which contains approximately 275 drops.  In most instances you will use 1-3 drops per application so you are getting a lot of use out of one bottle.  When you consider what you spend on over the counter medications you are most likely going to save money with essential oils because each oil has so many uses.  Example: Peppermint oil is excellent for headaches, calming upset stomach, sinus congestion, relieving muscle pain plus much more.  When you add up OTC medications for each of these symptoms it will quickly add up to more than the $21.50 you would spend on a bottle of peppermint oil.  

In the past year I have found that I would rather spend money to prevent illness or fight it naturally than rely on medication.  If you have any questions about the cost of the oils or anything else related to Young Living let me know :)     ~Cassie~      

*Note* To receive wholesale pricing with Young Living you must become a member.  There are a few options for becoming a member and the price ranges from $40-150.00.  The $40 basic kit includes:  Welcome to Young Living booklet, Essential Oils at a Glance user’s guide, Distributor Resource Guide, S.E.E.D. Sharing for Success booklet, 5-ml Stress Away, AromaGlide Roller Fitment, two Lavender Sample Packets, two Peppermint Sample Packets, two Peace & Calming Sample Packets, two Lemon Sample Packets, two Thieves Sample Packets, three Sample Packet Business Cards, two NingXia Red 2-oz. samples, Distributor Agreement, Product Guide and Product Price List.

Monday, February 10, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Uses for Young Living Essential Oils

Hi There!  I decided to start a blog so I could share some of the amazing, natural remedies I have found using Young Living Essential Oils.  I first started using oils about a year ago and I have been happy to have a way to take care of my health and my kids health in a natural, no side effect way.  You can purchase oils from Young Living for retail price or you can become a member for as little as $40 and you can save 24% and also sell the oils.  If you have a health issue you are interested in treating with essential oils check out my board on Pinterest .  You can also go to , create a free user name and search any health topic.  On this site you can find testimonials from people who have used oils to heal themselves.  I have also found googleing "Young Living Essential Oils" plus whatever health issue will usually bring up peoples blogs and suggestions for oils.

Essential Oils are God's medicine.  These all come from nature and Young Living is one of the few companies that guarantee "seed to seal", a high quality oil that is safe to apply topically, inhale or ingest.  Most essential oils that are on the market from other companies are not safe to ingest and that should lead you to question the safety of putting it on your skin.  Essential oils are being used to treat colds, flu, virus', MRSA staph, arthritis, cancer, asthma, ADHD, allergies, weight loss and many other health problems that we deal with day to day.  Essential oils are also safe to use on babies for gas problems, skin issues, preventing sickness and much more.  Certain essential oils are anti-viral meaning they can fight off virus'.  Below I am going to share some of the main ways I have used YL Essential oils in the past year.  These are a few of my favorites:

  • One year ago I was 2 weeks from delivering our second bundle of joy.  I had been having the usual winter cold but in a matter of hours (and of course on a Friday evening)  the congestion had spread into a sinus infection.  My cheek bones hurt, my head was pounding and the pressure in my teeth was terrible.  I have only had one sinus infection in the past and I had to take antibiotics to get rid of it and pain medicine for a couple days until the antibiotics started working.  I received my Young Living Essential Oils starter kit on Saturday afternoon (God was working through our Fedex delivery man!)  I did a little research and found peppermint was excellent for congestion.  I applied some on my forehead and cheek bones and began feeling relief within a few minutes.  A couple hours later I began feeling bad again so I reapplied before bed.  The next morning I woke up congestion and pain free! I knew that I was going to have to go to the doctor the following Monday but using my oils I was able to avoid the doctor's office and medication!  Anytime I start to get a headache, I put a little dab of peppermint on my forehead and temples and within minutes the headache is gone! Peppermint is also great for aches and pains.  It feels similar to Icey hot when used on muscles but it is chemical free!

  • Young Living makes an oil called Thieves.  It is very effective for preventing illnesses and boosting the immune system to fight off illness.  We have used it for colds, virus' and pretty much any illness we have encountered.  With kids it seems inevitable to have virus' a couple times a year.  Last year Hallie had 2 virus'.  The first was a stomach virus when Bryce was 2 weeks old.  She was vomitting every 20-30 minutes.  I applied thieves oil on her feet a couple times per hour as well as the oil Digize which is excellent for all tummy trouble.  Hallie was completely over the virus and slept all night within 6 hours.  In the fall there was a viral infection going around Pittsburg.  The only symptom was a high temperature.  I had heard about the virus from other people and it was lasting 2-3 days and because it was viral the only option was to try to control the fever.  As soon as Hallie's fever spiked I had a feeling what we were dealing with.  I used Thieves and a couple other oils that are anti viral and Hallie was fever free in less than 12 hours.  I could have probably fought it off faster if I had been more consistent about applying oil.  I am thankful to have a way to fend off virus' instead of just watching them run their course while my little ones feel awful.

  • One other "must have" oil is Lavender.  There are so many amazing uses for lavender but here are a few that I use often.  In my adult years I have developed an allergy to indoor pets.  It only takes a few minutes in a house with a pet (especially a cat) and I am sneezing, have a runny nose, and my eyes are running and itching.  Swiping lavender oil inside my cheek and also using a Qtip to apply a little inside my nostrils keeps me from having an allergic reaction (it will also stop one of I get surprised!)  Lavender is also great for skin problems.  My husbands grandmother is diabetic and gets rashes below her knees when she wears any kind of pants that contain synthetic materials.  She has had a prescription for a steroid cream to help with the itching but she says it doesn't always work.  I mixed some lavender oil and coconut oil and she said the itching immediately stopped and she also said that in using it for several days it prevented the rash from breaking out!

I could go on for a while about the different oils and remedies that I have found and I know it is only scratching the surface of what is available.  If you have questions or would like to learn more about essential oils just let me know.  Below is a graphic I found on oils that can replace medicine in your cabinet.  I am forever convinced that essential oils are the best first defense in naturally taking care of my family.  Check back next week for a new blog post :)